James's Tree

Timeline Context

1760 King George III; 1820 King George IV; 1830 King William IV; 1837 Queen Victoria
1789-1799 French Revolution; 1803-1815 Napoleonic Wars; 1805 Battle of Trafagar; 1815 Battle of Waterloo; 1850 Taiping Rebellion; 1853-1856 Crimean War
1817-1826 Aldington Gang.

Family Sheet Links & Information

Name Birth Birthplace 1841 1851 1861 1871 1881 1891 1901 1911
James Tyler 1800 High Halden High Halden High Halden [a]
High Halden
Woodchurch [b]
Ag.Lab., Wid.
Jane Tyler (Brown) 1799 Kingsnorth High Halden High Halden [a] High Halden Woodchurch
Jane Bannan (Tyler) 1831 High Halden High Halden High Halden [a] Woodchurch
Wife of Alfred Bannan
Woodchurch [b]

Address Key

[a] Tenterden Road, High Halden
[b] Village, Woodchurch

Woodchurch Settlements & Removals

Date Name Occupation Parish Document Type
12 December 1825 James TYLER High Halden Removal Out

To Woodchurch and Halden ... Whereas complaint has been made upon us ... Justices of the Peace ... by Woodchurch that James Tyler and Jane his wife did lately come to inhabit in Woodchurch not having gained a legal settlement there and nor produced any certificate owning them to be settled elsewhere and they are likely to be become chargeable to Woodchurch. We the Justices upon Proof made thereof as well upon the Examination of James Tyler upon oath and upon due consideration of the premises, we do adjudge the same to be true and do also adjudge that the lawful settlement of them is Halden. We require Woodchurch to remove and convey James Tyler and his wife to Halden and them to deliver to the Churchwardens, together with this Order. Halden to receive and provide for them according to Law


Jane Tyler married Alfred Bannon 1854, tenterden, 2a, 687 } FreeBMD

James Tyler married Jane Brown, 9th oct 1825, at Woodchurch } mid kent marriage index.

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