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Joseph Arthur's Tree Emma's Tree

Timeline Context

1820 King George IV; 1830 King William IV; 1837 Queen Victoria; 1901 King Edward VII; 1910 King George V
1850 Taiping Rebellion; 1853-1856 Crimean War; 1899-1902 Boer War; 1914-1918 WW1
1830 Swing Riots

Family Sheet Links & Information

Name Birth Birthplace 1841 1851 1861 1871 1881 1891 1901 1911 1921
Joseph Arthur Binns 1827 Bingley Bingley Maningham
Clerk @ County Court
Manningham [a] Manningham [a]
Manningham [b]
Manningham [b]
Official Reciever
Blackpool [d]
Official Reciever
Emma Binns (Bower) 1829 Thornton Bingley Maningham Manningham [a] Manningham [a] Manningham [b] East Broughton [c] Blackpool [d] Brighton
John W. Binns 1850 Manningham Maningham Manningham [a] Hackney
Law Student
Rosa Koster (Binns) 1852 Bradford Manningham [a] Manningham [a] Manningham [g]
Wife of August Koster
Heaton [e]
Wife of August Koster
Bradford [f]
Home Duties, wid
Clara Brandau (Binns) 1853 Bradford Manningham [a] Manningham [a]
Blaunche Agnes Prime (Binns) 1865 Bradford Manningham [a] Manningham [b] East Broughton [c] Heaton Norris
Wife of Priestly Prime
Brighton Bradford
Wife of Priestly Prime
Elizabeth Ann Binns (Haslam) 1851 Bradford Bradford
Home Duties, wid

Address Key

[a] 28 Northfield Place, Manningham, Yorks.
[b] 11 Oak Lane, Manningham, Yorks
[c] Hazlewood Hydropalace, East Broughton.
[d] 8 Derby Road, Blackpool.
[e] 17 Park Drive, Heaton, Yorks.
[f] 19 Roseberry Road, Bradford
[g] 14 Cunicliffe Villas, Manningham


Joseph Arthur Binns (23, Bookkeeper, Bradford) married Emma Bower (21, Dressmaker, Manningham, ) 31st July 1849.
@ Bradford Parish Church. Fathers: John Binns (Shoemaker) & John Bower (Overlooker). Witness: Sarah Wallbank, William Binns. Minister – N.Coope

Rosa Binns, born 25th May 1851 at Primrose Terrace, Manningham, Bradford, to Joseph Arthur Binns & Emma Binns (formally Bower).

Georg Wilhelm August Koster (32, Merchant, 49 Drewton Street, Bradford) married Rosa Binns (23, Oak Lane, Manningham), 21st Jan 1875.
@ English Presbyterian Unitarian Chapel, Chapel Lane, Bradford. Fathers: August Koster (Postmaster) & Joseph Arthur Binns (Accountant). Witness: J.Arthur Binns, M.E. Hestletine, Georg Koster. Minister – William Binns

Census Returns

1911 Rosa Koster
1911 Blaunche Prime (Binns) & Emma Binns (Bower)
1911 Priestly Prime

Parish Records



1826 20th Aug Joseph Binns John & Ann Binns, Cordwainer



1883 21st Aug John William Binns(34, Solicitor) = Elizabeth Ann Haslam (32, spinster) Fathers:Joseph Arthur Binns (Accountant) & John Haslam (Gentleman). Wit: J.Arthur Binns & August Koster


Joseph Arthur Binns
Emma Bins (Bower)
Rose Koster (Binns)
Blaunche Prime (Binns)
Elizabeth Ann Binns (Haslam): "Aunty Lilly Binns"

Family Recollections

Joseph Arthur Binns Memories

The National Probate Calendar, 1861-1941

Trade Directory

Trade Directory: Bradford 1866: J.A. Binns – 29 Northfield Place.
Trade Directory: Bradford 1870: Joseph Arthur Binns – Managing Clerk at County Court – 28 Northfield Place, Manningham
Trade Directory: Bradford 1881 : J.A. Binns – Insurance Agents- North British & Mercantile
Trade Directory: Bradford 1881 : Joseph Arthur Binns – 11 Oak Lane, Manningham
1883 Bradford Post Office Directory : Joseph A. Binns, (Lund B. & Mitchell), 11 Oak Lane.
1883 Bradford Post Office Directory : Lund, Binns & Mitchell, Accountants, 48 Market Street
Trade Directory: Bradford 1887: Joseph Arthur Binns – Official Receiver in Bankruptcy – 11 Oak Lane


Clara Binns b. mar 1853, Bradford Y, 9b, 141] FreeBMD
Clara Binns m. to Julius Valentin Brandau sept 1873, Bradford Y, 9b, 299 } FreeBMD
Blanche Binns married Priestly Prime, Dec 1895, Bradford Yk, 9b, 297 } FreeBMD
John William Binns died sept 1884, age 34, Bradford, 9b, 84} FreeBMD
Rosa Koster died dec 1928, Kensington, London, 1a, 199, age 77 } FreeBMD
Joseph Arthur Binns died dec 1902, age 76, Bradford, 9b, 52 } FreeBMD
Emma Binns died 1918 – family record

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