Sarah's Tree

Timeline Context

1837 Queen Victoria; 1901 King Edward VII; 1910 King George V
1850 Taiping Rebellion; 1853-1856 Crimean War; 1899-1902 Boer War; 1914-1918 WW1

Family Sheet Links & Information

Name Birth Birthplace 1841 1851 1861 1871 1881 1891 1901 1911 1921
Sarah Phillips 1837 Fawfieldhead Fawfieldhead (a) Fawfieldhead (a) Fawfieldhead Fawfieldhead
Fawfieldhead (a) Fawfieldhead (a) Fawfieldhead (a)
Longnor (b) (1)
died 1924
Emma Mellor (Phillips) 1857 Reapsmoor,Fawfieldhead Fawfieldhead
Domestic Servent
Hartington, Derby
General Servent
wife of William Mellor
Sheen [d]
wife of William Mellor
Longnor [e]
wife of William Mellor

wife of William Mellor
Home Duties
Agnes Hannah Phillips 1876 Fawfieldhead Fawfieldhead Fawfieldhead Fawfieldhead Longnor (b)

Address Key

(a) Reapsmoor
(b) Reapsmoor, Longnor
(c) market place, Longnor
(1) Harriet Phillips, sister, 55, single, assistant on farm, Fawfieldhead


1857, Emma Phillips born 8th February 1857 in Reapsmoor, Fawfieldhead, to Sarah Phillips

1875, Agnes Hannah Phillips born 26th July 1875 in Reapsmoor, Fawfieldhead, to Sarah Phillips

1924 Sarah Phillips died 24th Jan 1924, Reapsmoor

1936, Emma Mellor (widow of William Mellor, Quarryman) died 12th July 1936, age 79, from Senile Decay. A.Mellor (Grandson) present at death. Longnor.

1911 Census

Sarah Phillips
Emma Mellor (Phillips)


Sarah Phillips died mar 1924, leek, 6b, 416, age 87 } FreeBMD

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