William's Tree Cecillia's Tree

Timeline Context

1653 Oliver Cromwell; 1660 King Charles II; 1685 King James II; 1688 King William III & Queen Mary II; 1702 Queen Anne; 1714 King George I; 1727 King George II; 1760 King George III
1685 Monmouth Rebellion; 1702-1713 Queen Annes War; 1715 Jacobite Rising; 1745 Jacobite Rising; 1756-1763 Seven Years War

Family Sheet Links & Information

Name Birth Birthplace 1841 1851 1861 1871 1881 1891 1901
William Small 1652 Cranbrook
Cecillia Small (Walker) 1656 Bethersden
William Small 1679 High Halden
William Small 1680 High Halden
Richard Small 1682 High Halden
Thomas Small 1684 High Halden
Elizabeth Small 1686 High Halden
George Small 1690 High Halden
John Small 1690 High Halden
John Small 1692 High Halden
Nicholas Small 1692 High Halden
Martha Small 1695 High Halden

Parish Records



1650 9th mar Thomas Small Thomas & Elizabeth Small
1652 7th nov William Small Thomas & Elizabeth Small
1655 28th aug Elizabeth Small Thomas & Elizabeth (Bridge) Small, Glover
1657 5th dec Richard Small Thomas & Elizabeth (Bridge) Small, Glover, of Milkhouse


1655 28th June Richard Walker (Cardmaker of Smarden) = Elizabeth Chapman (High Halden)


1657 28th july Elizabeth Small d of Thomas of Milkhouse, Glover
1689 1st march Richard Small s of Thomas Small of Frittenden, Glover.



1668 10th Aug (age 12, therefore b.1656) Cicely Walker Richard & Elizabeth Walker


1678 apr 4th William Small (of Biddenden) married Cecilia Walker

High Halden


1679 mar 1st William Small William & Cecillia Small
1680 dec 1st William Small William & Cecillia Small
1682 oct 22nd Richard Small William & Cecillia Small
1684 oct 27th Thomas Small William & Cecillia Small
1686 aug 27th Elizabeth Small William & Cecillia Small
1690 may 9th George Small William & Cecillia Small
1690 jan 14th John Small William & Cecillia Small
1692 jan 9th John & Nicholas Small William & Cecillia Small
1695 sep 21st Martha Small William & Cecillia Small


1710 oct 8th Thomas Small married Elizabeth Waterman
1722 may 8th Edmund Leeds married Martha Small


1709 26th sept William Small
1721 24th april Cecilia Small from woodchurch
1750 19th sept Cecilia Small Widow of this parish, age 94, therefore born 1656

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