George's Tree Eleanor's Tree

Timeline Context

1603 King James I; 1625 King Charles I; 1653 Oliver Cromwell; 1660 King Charles II
1618-1648 Thirty Years War; 1642-1651 English Civil War; 1645 Battle of Nasby

Family Sheet Links & Information

Name Birth Birthplace 1841 1851 1861 1871 1881 1891 1901
George Kadwell 1611 Rolvenden
Eleanor Kadwell (Tolhurst) ?? ??
Thomas Kadwell 1641 Rolvenden

Parish Records



1623 5th Oct Ellen Tolherst William Tolhurst
1641 6th Jan Thomas Kadwell George Kadwell & Eleanor Tolhurst


1638 George Kadwell married Eleanor Tolhurst license


1666 George Kadwell
1692 25th June Elnor Kadwell widow


Information From Pam Smith

Second son of Thomas Kadwell and his first wife [Mrs. Thomas Kadwell]
George Kadwell was christened on the 16th March, 1617, at Rolvenden, Kent.
George Kadwell married Eleanor Tollhurst, on the 13th October, 1638, at Rolvenden, Kent.
Eleanor Tollhurst was born about 1620 in Rolvenden, Kent,
A son Thomas was born to George and Eleanor about 1639 at Rolvenden, Kent, and Thomas was christened on the 6th January 1641 at Rolvenden, Kent, England.
Eleanor Kadwell died in 1644 aged twenty-four but George Kadwell lived until his death on the 6th March 1666 around the age of 50 at Rolvenden, Kent.
George Kadwell was buried on the 13th March 1666 at Rolvenden, Kent.

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