Daniel's Tree Catherine's Tree

Timeline Context

1688 King William III & Queen Mary II; 1702 Queen Anne; 1714 King George I; 1727 King George II; 1760 King George III
1702-1713 Queen Annes War; 1715 Jacobite Rising; 1745 Jacobite Rising; 1756-1763 Seven Years War; 1757 Battle of Plassey; 1775-1783 American Revolutionary War; 1789-1799 French Revolution
1690-1730 Golden Age of Pirates; 1735-1749 Hawkhurst Gang

Family Sheet Links & Information

Name Birth Birthplace 1841 1851 1861 1871 1881 1891 1901
Daniel Groombridge 1705 Cranbrook
Catherine Groombridge (Ongley) 1701 Pembury
Mary Groombridge 1738 Tonbridge
Catherine Groombridge 1737 Tonbridge
Thomas Groombridge 1739 Tonbridge

Parish Records



1737 Catherine Groombridge Dann & Catherine Groombridge
1738 Mary Groombridge Dann & Catherine Groombridge
1739 Thomas Groombridge Dann & Catherine Groombridge


1764 Thomas Groombridge = Mary Maynard


1756 Dann Grombridge
1763 Mary Groombridge


Dan Groombridge married Catherine Ongley, 22nd feb 1735, Tudely, Kent } IGI

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