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Stephen's Tree Sarah's Tree

Timeline Context

1688 King William III & Queen Mary II; 1702 Queen Anne; 1714 King George I; 1727 King George II; 1760 King George III
1702-1713 Queen Annes War; 1704 Battle of Blenheim; 1715 Jacobite Rising; 1745 Jacobite Rising; 1756-1763 Seven Years War; 1757 Battle of Plassey; 1775-1783 American Revolutionary War; 1789-1799 French Revolution
1690-1730 Golden Age of Pirates; 1735-1749 Hawkhurst Gang

Family Sheet Links & Information

Name Birth Birthplace 1841 1851 1861 1871 1881 1891 1901
Stephen Tolhurst 1698 Sandhurst
Sarah Tolhurst (?) ? ?
Elizabeth Tolhurst 1730 Sandhurst
Sarah Tolhurst 1732 Sandhurst
Thomas Tolhurst 1734 Sandhurst
John Tolhurst 1735 Sandhurst
Mary Tolhurst 1737 Sandhurst
Samuel Tolhurst 1739 Sandhurst
Richard Tolhurst 1741 Sandhurst
Jane Willard (Tolhurst) 1743 Sandhurst

Parish Records



1730 4 oct Elizabeth Tolhurst Steven & Sarah Tolhurst
1732 11 feb Sarah Tolhurst Steven & Sarah Tolhurst
1734 3 jun Thomas Tolhurst Steven & Sarah Tolhurst
1735 22 feb John Tolhurst Steven & Sarah Tolhurst
1737 21 aug Mary Tolhurst Steven & Sarah Tolhurst
1739 16 dec Samuel Tolhurst Steven & Sarah Tolhurst
1741 10 may Richard Tolhurst Steven & Sarah Tolhurst
1743 9 oct Jane Tolhurst Steven & Sarah Tolhurst


1/sh/3. 2nd Dec. 23 Geo 2. 1749. Stephen Tolhurst the Elder of Sandhurst, Labourer, & Stephen Tolhurst the Younger, Son of Stephen Tolhurst the Elder to
Richard Evenden of Hawkhurst, Blacksmith. Stephen Tolhurst the Younger Apprenticed to Richard Evenden from 29th Sep., 1748 (sic.) for seven years. Encouragement to
Stephen Tolhurst of 6d. a quarter. Signed: Richard Evernden. Slight tearing on folds. This document is now at C.K.S. Ref. not known. } Bodiam Mill web site

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