Timeline Context

1727 King George II; 1760 King George III; 1820 King George IV; 1830 King William IV
1745 Jacobite Rising; 1756-1763 Seven Years War; 1757 Battle of Plassey; 1775-1783 American Revolutionary War; 1789-1799 French Revolution; 1803-1815 Napoleonic Wars; 1805 Battle of Trafagar; 1815 Battle of Waterloo
1690-1730 Golden Age of Pirates; 1735-1749 Hawkhurst Gang; 1817-1826 Aldington Gang

Family Sheet Links & Information

Name Birth Birthplace 1841 1851 1861 1871 1881 1891 1901 1911
William Mills 1740 Bethersden
Philidelphia Mills (Sevenoaks) 1740 Northiam
Susannah Mills 1763 Sandhurst
Richard Mills 1766 Sandhurst
John Mills 1773 Sandhurst
Philidelphia Mills 1775 Sandhurst
James Mills 1778 Sandhurst
Samuel Mills 1780 Sandhurst

Parish Records



1763 16th December Susanna Mills William & Philidelphia Mills
1766 4th December Richard Mills William & Philidelphia Mills
1773 29th Jan John Mills William & Philidelphia Mills
1775 4th Oct Philidelphia Mills William & Philidelphia Mills
1778 4th May James Mills William & Philidelphia Mills
1780 30th Sept Samuel Mills William & Philidelphia Mills


1784 28th March John Reeves married Susanna Mills

Northiam, Sussex


1740 30th August Philidelphia Sevenoaks Richard & Susanna Sevenoaks


1761 14th july William Mills married Philadelpia Sevenoaks



1740 9th November William Mills John & Mary Mills


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