Stephen's Tree Joanna's Tree

Timeline Context

1760 King George III; 1820 King George IV; 1830 King William IV; 1837 Queen Victoria
1789-1799 French Revolution; 1803-1815 Napoleonic Wars; 1805 Battle of Trafagar; 1815 Battle of Waterloo; 1850 Taiping Rebellion; 1853-1856 Crimean War
1817-1826 Aldington Gang; 1830 Swing Riots

Family Sheet Links & Information

Name Birth Birthplace 1841 1851 1861 1871 1881 1891 1901 1911
Stephen Anderson 1795 Tottenham Ct Rd, London Chelsea [a]
Paper Stainer
Chelsea [a]
Paper Stainer
Joanna Anderson (Brown) ? ? died 1835
Joanna Almena King (Anderson) 1815 Chelsea Fulham [f]
Wife of John King
Fulham [f]
Wife of John King
Fulham [f]
Wife of John King
Fulham [f]
Wife of John King
Stephen Francis Anderson 1815 Chelsea died 1816 age 3, Jews Row?
Caroline Ann Anderson 1817 Chelsea
Catherine Mary Anderson 1822 Chelsea
Stephen Joseph Anderson 1822 Chelsea Chelsea [a]
Paper Stainer
John Anderson 1829 Chelsea Chelsea [a] Chelsea [a] Chelsea [c]
Chelsea [d] Chelsea [e]
Chelsea [k]
Ann Anderson (Hayman) 1806 Chelsea Chelsea [a] Chelsea [a] Chelsea [b]
Mary A. Anderson 1838 Chelsea Chelsea [a] Chelsea [a]
Martha Anderson 1839 Chelsea Chelsea [a] Chelsea [a] Chelsea [b]
Estha Anderson 1841 Chelsea Chelsea [a]

Address Key

[a] 23 Wood Street, Chelsea
[b] 23 South Street, Chelsea
[c] 25 Caroline Place, Chelsea
[d] 21 Caroline Place, Chelsea
[e] 4 Cross Keys Yard, Chelsea
[f] 13 garden row, Fulham

Parish Records



1812 7th June Stephen Anderson marries Joanna Brown Wit: Mary Daggett
1841 26th June Joanna Anderson (laundress) married John King (Gardner) Fathers: John King & Stephen Anderson (paper stainer) wit: sarah king.

Parish Records



1837 26th March Stephen Francis Anderson (wid) marries Ann Hayman Wit: Henry & Sarah Daggett

Parish Records



1815 2nd jul Johanna Almena Anderson Stephen Francis & Johanna
1815 2nd jul Stephen Francis Anderson Stephen Francis & Johanna
1817 2nd Nov Caroline Ann Anderson Stephen Francis & Johanna
1822 2nd june Catherine Mary Anderson Stephen Francis & Johanna
1822 2nd june Stephen Joseph Anderson Stephen Francis & Johanna
1829 29th Nov John Anderson Stephen Francis & Johanna,White Hart Place Paper Stainer


1816 7th July Stephen Francis Anderson Jews Row, age 3
1835 24th Sept Joanna Anderson White Hart Alley


Stephen Francis Anderson born 1793, Soho, to Rob & Mary Anderson Pallots Baptism Index

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