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Stephen's Tree Mary's Tree

Timeline Context

1727 King George II; 1760 King George III; 1820 King George IV; 1830 King William IV; 1837 Queen Victoria
1756-1763 Seven Years War; 1757 Battle of Plassey; 1775-1783 American Revolutionary War; 1789-1799 French Revolution; 1803-1815 Napoleonic Wars; 1805 Battle of Trafagar; 1815 Battle of Waterloo; 1850 Taiping Rebellion
1817-1826 Aldington Gang; 1830 Swing Riots

Family Sheet Links & Information

Name Birth Birthplace 1841 1851 1861 1871 1881 1891 1901 1911
Stephen Batt 1749 Smarden
Mary Batt (Weaver) 1757
James Batt 1777 Smarden
Jesse Batt 1779 Smarden
Charlotte Batt 1782 Smarden
Stephen Batt 1785 Smarden
William Batt 1788 Smarden Smarden
Ag Lab
Mary Ann Batt 1790 Smarden
Harriet Offen (Batt) 1793 Smarden Boughton
Elizabeth Batt 1795 Smarden
Charles Batt 1797 Smarden

Parish Records



1749 20th Aug Stephen Batt Isaac & Elizabeth Batt
1777 8th Oct James Batt Stephen & Mary Batt
1779 5th sept Jesse Batt Stephen & Mary Batt
1782 1st Jan Charlotte Batt Stephen & Mary Batt
1785 5th June Stephen Batt Stephen & Mary Batt
1788 17th Aug William Batt Stephen & Mary Batt
1790 25th Dec Mary Ann Batt Stephen & Mary Batt
1795 22nd Mar Elizabeth Batt Stephen & Mary Batt
1797 26th Nov Charles Batt Stephen & Mary Batt


1777 25th Mar Stephen Batt marries Mary Weaver wit: George Gooding, Thomas Munn


1792 18th Nov Stephen Batt age 7, of Stephen & Mary
1800 14th Oct Stephen Batt labourer, kicked by horse.



1757 16th jan Mary Weaver William & Susan Weaver


John Offen marries Harriet Batt, St Mildred, Canterbury, 19th Oct 1810 } IGI
Harriet Batt born 7th Apr 1793, at Smarden, to Stephen & Mary Batt.} IGI

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