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William's Tree

Timeline Context

1558 Queen Elizabeth I; 1603 King James I; 1625 King Charles I
1618-1648 Thirty Years War

Family Sheet Links & Information

Name Birth Birthplace 1841 1851 1861 1871 1881 1891 1901
William Dunke ? ?
Elizabeth Dunke (?) ? ?
Joane Dunke 1563 Hawkhurst
Edward Dunke 1565 Hawkhurst
Annis Dunke 1568 Hawkhurst
Robert Dunke 1570 Hawkhurst
Anne Dunke 1572 Hawkhurst
Marye Dunke 1575 Hawkhurst
John Dunke 1580 Hawkhurst

Parish Records



1563 24th jan Joane Dunke William Dunke
1565 7th mar Edward Dunke William Dunke
1568 4th July Annis Dunke William Dunke
1570 30th jan Robert Dunke William Dunke
1572 18th May Anne Dunke William Dunke
1575 11th June Marye Dunke William Dunke
1580 28th feb John Dunke William Dunke


1593 31st dec John Brooke = Anne Dunke


1613 20th nov Elizabeth Dunke wid of William Dunke
1632 11th june Mary Dunke w of William Dunke
1569 4th apr Annis Dunke
1606 10th mar Willyam Dunke the elder

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