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John's Tree Elizabeth's Tree

Timeline Context

1625 King Charles I; 1653 Oliver Cromwell; 1660 King Charles II; 1685 King James II; 1688 King William III & Queen Mary II; 1702 Queen Anne; 1714 King George I; 1727 King George II; 1760 King George III
1618-1648 Thirty Years War; 1642-1651 English Civil War; 1645 Battle of Nasby; 1685 Monmouth Rebellion; 1702-1713 Queen Annes War; 1704 Battle of Blenheim; 1715 Jacobite Rising; 1745 Jacobite Rising; 1756-1763 Seven Years War
1690-1730 Golden Age of Pirates

Family Sheet Links & Information

Name Birth Birthplace 1841 1851 1861 1871 1881 1891 1901
John Paine ? ?
Elizabeth Paine (?) ? ?
Robert Paine 1663 Smarden
George Paine 1665 Smarden
Mary Paine 1670 Smarden
Prudence Paine 1676 Smarden
Thomas Paine 1678 Smarden
Thomas Paine 1682 Smarden

Parish Records



1663 7th May Robert Paine John & Elizabeth Paine
1665 2nd march George Paine John & Elizabeth Paine
1670 24th March Mary Paine John & Elizabeth Paine
1676 9th feb Prudence Paine John & Elizabeth Paine
1678 31st Mar Thomas Paine John & Elizabeth Paine
1682 9th oct Thomas Paine John & Elizabeth Paine


1680 25th July Thomas Paine s of John Paine
1681 19th aug Mary Paine d of John Paine
1709 1st April John Paine Householder, Labourer, Poor
1712 1st march Elizabeth Paine a widow

Gravestone - Smarden

In memory of THOMAS PAINE who died June the 29th 1765 aged 83 years. Also JUDETH his wife who died July the 12th 1755 aged 69 years.
Likewise Elizabeth their daughter wife of John LARGE she died April 30 1759 aged 38 years. Left issue two sons Richard and John.

In memory of John, son of Thomas & JUDETH PAINE who died October the 18th 1749 aged 37 years.

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